It is a relief to make a different kind of sense--visual sense. One must think, of course, but it is an entirely different kind of thinking, one in which language does not intrude.
--Mark Strand

Silk screen on paper, 16" square, 3/2020
Self and Amaryllis
Monoprints, each 5" x 7", 1/2020
Winter Sunset, East Falls
Most of our lives we live closed up in ourselves, with a longing not to be alone, to include others in that life that is invisible and intangible. To make it visible and tangible, we need light and material, any material. And any material can take on the burden of what had been brewing in our consciousness or subconsciousness, in our awareness or in our dreams.
--Anni Albers from Material as Metaphor, 1982

All of the Domestic Arts Are Mine
Silk screen over hand dyed cotton, 18" x 22", 2/2020
And actually, I can't resist letting language intrude. The Sanskrit word Sūtra means "thread", from the root word siv, that which sews and holds things together.
Sewing and holding a few things together here these days.

Domestic Sutras
Silkscreen on linen, stretched 22" square, 2/2020
I really enjoy your posts...the quotes you find, your art...I am @gourdlightartistry. Please connect on IG if you want